Page Numbers off in Libre Writer

I clear an existing 65 page document (cursor top of doc) as follows:

  1. Insert->Footer->Default Page Style (Yes to erase)
  2. Insert->Footer->Default Page Style (check)
  3. Insert->Field → Page Number

Cursor moves to Page 3 (Page 1 unpaginated)
Numbering stops at Page 42

(On some occasions it has restarted over again at a later page, not this last time I tried)

Difficult to say without seeing the document. Can you upload it?

Please add it in your question, do not answer your own question.

Does page 43 change to a different page style? If so you will need to either change the page style to the previous style or add page numbering to that page and continue previous numbering.

What I don’t get is the cursor move to page 3.

Note: I’ve edited your question to parse the numbered list.

What I don’t get is the cursor move to page 3.

Note: I’ve edited your question to parse the numbered list.

The cursor moves to the first footer in the series of same page styles when you insert a footer. If default Page Style is mirrored the cursor will go to the first footer, even or odd, depending on whether the cursor is on an existing even or odd page. If the first page style is First Page it will be unaffected by the changes. Or possibly the first two pages are Right Page and Left Page.

If you want Page 43 to be same style as previous pages then click in it. Open the sidebar, click on Styles icon, click on Page Styles icon and double click the Default Page Style entry. Page 43 (and subsequent pages if all originally same other style) will show the new footer and page number will continue in sequence.

If you don’t want the page style to change then add page number to footer on page 43

Style Icon not an option in Side Bar

Still trying.(Windows 10, LO 7.0)

Insert—>H/F—>F—>All—>Yes (Delete Footer)—>Insert—>H/F—>F—>All—>Field—>Page Number

Only inserts # on first page (Doesn’t matter if I try with ‘All’ or 'Default Page Style’Same result :frowning: