Page numbers resetting in master doc ToC

I have used the Heading Numbering feature from the Tools menu in Writer. In a master document, I saw the page numbers resetting in the Table of Contents, and I’m not sure why. I expected Chapter 2 to continue on page 6. Is my issue in the master document, or is it in the file I imported?

LibreOffice version on Windows 11.

I figured out what is wrong, but not how to fix it. In Heading 1, I enabled Insert Page, With page style, and page number, which I set to 1.

For some reason, I cannot toggle off Page number. It keeps toggling on as soon as I save the document.

There are at least two ways to set the reset attribute: through style or through direct formatting. You may have a mixture of both. If you don’t fix both, the reset is persistent.

When working with master+sub-docs, it is of utmost importance to be consistent in formatting. The most reliable way is to use exclusively styles and forbid any form of direct formatting. To put all chances on your side, the best approach is to base all documents (master+sub-docs) on the same template. I repeat it again, but this is not enough: in a “distributed” work, avoid all direct formatting for your sanity of mind.

If the TOC screenshot represents your whole book, going for master+sub-docs is uselessly complicated and a source of problems. With present day computer power, master+sub-docs is legitimate only for reused parts across many documents (think of contracts made of library hierarchy-approved "standard" clause) or "monster" documents beyond 1000 pages.

That makes sense. I’ll have to check my styles and formatting.

No, the end project is expected to be about 100 pages. Still, that is a far cry shorter than the 1000 pages you mentioned. I take it you suggest I convert to a singular document? I’ll still require styles, but one document will be easier to track.