Page numbers starting at page 5. No page numbers for Title, Copywrite, etc

I’m going insane trying to get this to work. I’ve watched videos, read forum posts, asked Ai. I’m getting nowhere fast. I’ve tried creating a “new style” of ‘no footer’ with the footer turned off. It seems everything I attempt changes the entire document. At one point my copywrite page had no page number but when I added a page number to the introduction, the entire book had page numbers but so did the title page and not the copywrite page. Does anyone have a link to instructions that will work to turn off page numbers up to the introduction page for LibreOffice Writer ver. on Windows? I would be more grateful than you could ever imagine at this point. Thank you very much.

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To start numbering at a different place, you need to have a different page style for the Introduction than for the main body of the work.

If you want the page style to look the same then in the Page Styles pane you can right click on an existing page style in the document and select New. In the dialogue, give it a unique relevant name such as Main Body and OK.

To restart numbering, click at the end of the part before where you want numbering to restart and click Insert > Break > More breaks.
In that dialogue select Page break (probably already selected), select you page style Main Body, tick the box Change Page number and leave it at 1 unless you have a reason not to.

Just delete the page number field for the introduction or change its numbering to i,ii,iii, etc


Thank you very much! I truly appreciate your help! I was close at times but this has done the trick. Thank you again and have a wonderful day!