Page Styles will not keep accurate sizing

This seems like such a simple thing but nothing I do will fix the behavior. I have custom default, front matter, left, and right page styles for print books I am laying out. They are all set up to be 132mm width and 197mm height. The problem? LOW keeps changing them to 131.99 width and 197.01 height.

This might seem like a minor issue but it’s not, because when I export to PDF to supply the file to my printer it gets rejected because the sizing is just a tiny bit off.

Not for nothing, it does this with the margins too; I set 12mm for a left margin and LOW changes it to 11.99mm.

I’m about ready to go postal, here. Why is this happening???

If you change from mm to centimetres in Tools > Options > LibreOffice Writer > General I think your problems will disappear. With cm set I can export to pdf with exact 132 x 197 mm
UserDefined.pdf (27.4 KB)

I think it is rounding when converting from twips to mm; the rounding is exact for cm.

I always use cm for Writer because I like the rulers to have major graduations at tens and not varying divisions depending on zoom level.

OH MY GOSH THAT WAS IT! I cracked open the file, changed the settings to cm and BAM all the sizings were perfect.

I can’t believe it was such a simple fix but I’m so glad, too. Thank you, thank you for this!!!

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