Paragraph retaining previous bold if new style applied

I have found quite a lot of information relating to this behaviour but since they stretch back ove ryears I want to make sure I understand and can fix the problem.

If I do this:

  1. Previous paragraph had bold applied
  2. Type a pargagraph, apply style1 that does not include bold
  3. Apply bold
  4. Clear direct formatting

The bold does not clear, why?
So then:

  1. Manually clear Bold
  2. apply style1 that does not include bold

The bold doesn’t clear

But this is inconsistent. It seems bold is ‘sticky’ sometimes. Perhaps it’s my style definitions but I can find out why. It’s wasted hours of time because it gets so irritating I have tried to relsove it several times.

Any pointers?

Thank you

If I do this:

  1. Type a pargagraph, apply a style that is not bold
  2. Apply bold
  3. Clear direct formatting



AutoUpdate is enabled for the paragraph style on its Organizer tab?

In your process descriptions, what is selected before you “apply bold” (presumably from the button toolbar) and “clear direct formatting”?

Can you upload the file anonymously here?
To upload, edit your initial question, don’t write an answer.

I may have found the problem - for this case anyway. I seems that the character style was set to ‘Strong Emphasis’ for some or maybe all of the paragraph. I had only been looking at para styles as I rarely use character styles.

So the lesson is:

  • CTRL M clears paragraph styles and not character styles
  • If clearing results in something not in the paragraph style definition check the character style and reset to default

I looked for a clear character shortcut but couldn’t see one