I’ve created a query using several fields and LIKE :Searchbox. I have a pushbutton on the form to re-run query as needed.This query runs when my form opens or when pushbutton pressed and displays a Parameter Input window, expecting a value input. If the OK button is pressed without a value, I get error ‘Invalid precision value’ and the form can no longer run and pushbutton is disabled-must close and restart form.
At first I was using ODBC driver and when no data entered on Parameter input window, I would receive error, ‘invalid descriptor index’. I read somewhere to change the ODBC driver to MySQL ODBC. When I did I started getting the error
‘Invalid precision value’ .
If a default value were displayed in the parameter input box (on form load or when pushbutton pressed), I believe the error would not appear.
How to set default value on parameter input box?
LO v6.0.2.1
ODBC SQL Server driver