Please, don’t respond with “it’s automatically done when you open a new document” It isn’t and that’s not a helpful response.
I would like to know how to set the tabs in the header to partition it into left, centered, and right justified zones. I am using on Lmint Ulyssa.
I have tried to set the tabs in the Format–>Paragraph–>Tabs menu, it does not work. That option simply sets tab stops that do not partition the header at all. The justification settings on those tab stops do not work either, the entire header remains justified to the initial line setting.
Please help. This is very frustrating and the only responses that I have seen come up on other peoples questions are belittling non-answers. Perhaps LO is broken? Should I delete and re-download? Is there a crucial update? I update LMint regularly.
Thank you for reading.
David McNicholas