Hi, I’m using Libreoffice base to connect to a Postgres database. The PG database has two tables with identical structures in every respect (there is a valid reason for this!).
I have created a form in LO Base to display the contents of one of the tables, and I can edit/update the fields in the form.
However, when I copy and paste the form and then,in the pasted form, I change the underlying table to the other table , I cannot edit any of the fields. I have checked that the fields allow modifications, which they do. When I click on a column value In the original form it is highlighted and I may change the value, but in the pasted form a dotted box around the particular ‘cell’ appears, but I cannot change the value.
I’m using Libreoffice and Postgres is version 12.1.
Would someone please let me know where I have gone wrong and how to fix it?