Hi everyone,
We tried converting pdf to Word using 5.4.5. It worked but every line – that is a line that starts from the left hand side goes to the right hand side – has a box around it!!! Each line, with a box that went from one side of the page to another. We cannot have that, because we are trying to process the text and open office does not like the boxes.
Here is the command that we used:
/opt/libreoffice5.4/program/soffice --headless --infilter="writer_pdf_import" --convert-to doc someFile.pdf
doc, docx, and rtf, all had the same problem.
- are we missing a filter?
- is there a program that can post process this and get rid of the boxes?
- we are going to try 6.0.2, but was there a version ever that did not have the boxes?
Thank you for your help, Esfandiar