Percent data showing incorrectly

When I type 100 and I want it to dispaly as 100%, instead it displays as 10000%, 10 as 1000% and 1 as 100%

I tried every possible format setting, not sure what is going on or how to fix this.

Screenshot From 2025-03-16 10-30-49

OS - Fedora Linux 41
LO - (Flatpak)
Database - HSQLDB

Write 100% then. Or write 1 and it will be shown as 100%

A percentage is a way to say “some number of 1/100ths”. Meaning, that “20%” means “20 * 1/100”, which means that 20% is another way to write 0,2. And 100% is, naturally, the same a 100 * 1/100, equal to simply 1. You should understand that, because in a formula like =420*15%, where you want to find out what is 15% of 420, the expression is actually =420*0,15, giving you the proper answer.

And yes, a simple number 100 is 100 times larger than 100 * 1/100, meaning it is equal to 10000%.

Well yes it makes sense but I expected “natural” typing, In google sheets for example when you type 20 in a cell formatted as percent it will display 20%, a 1 is 1%. I guess LO doesn’t work that way.

:slight_smile: Natural typing for 20% is 20% :wink: And yes, we don’t use Google way of handling this specific aspect. Rather, we behave like Gnumeric and Excel.

the topic is tagged with base maybe by accident or by purpose ?

… but it was @Cyberian who mentioned “google sheets” first :wink:

calc works exactly this way, if the cell is already »preformatted« as percent

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Not for @Cyberian as he/she

should behave ?
like my:

Version: (AARCH64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: d3abf4aee5fd705e4a92bba33a32f40bc4e56f49
CPU threads: 4; OS: Linux 6.6; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3
Locale: de-DE (de_DE.UTF-8); UI: de-DE
Calc: threaded

I guess it should…

  • Maybe he omitted one or two possible format codes
  • If not I’d test again in safe mode
  • Maybe @Cyberian simply tested format codes after input, wich would not chang the value already entered.