Playing videos in Impress

The Insert Audio or Video option only allows insertion of a media file. I have been told that MS Powerpoint allows a You Tube video to be played online from a slide (I cannot verify this as I do not have MS Office). I am doing a presentation where I want to play parts of videos found on You Tube (as most are these days). It appears that the only way I could create files for these clips is to pay to join You Tube to I can download them. Has any consideration been given to adding an option to Impress to enable it to play online clips?

How about a hyperlink?
Menu Insert>Hyperlink ( Ctrl+K ).

Yes, thank you, I had overlooked that! I have now had a chance to see MS Power Point and that has an option to embed an online video into the slides so the presentation is seemless. I have now done the presentation that I was preparing and although I used the hyperlink to switch out to YouTube the problem is that it seems to be a manual process to return to the slides. This was the first time I have used Impress so there may be a better way to do it? If not, can I repeat my suggestion that this would appear to be a useful enhancement.

…can I repeat my suggestion that this would appear to be a useful enhancement.

You can write a feature request on Bugzilla.