Please Help for "Changing bgcolor of comment" & alternatives

I am searching for method to change comment(ctrl+alt+c) background color for past few days. reference

As per CyanCG there are two ways, none of which seem to be working and i am not able to find documentation for it on

I had replied to him in the original post, but no response yet.

So, asking again, if anyone can explain how to accomplish CyanCG’s two robust methods for changing background of comment & better than comment “frame style with hide/show” feature.

Application: Libreoffice IMPRESS 3.6

I humbly apologize for the inadequacy of my earlier answer in the referenced post. Please see my comments there. I am not very familiar with Impress and made incorrect assumptions. However, I don’t think it’s necessary to tag my username in the question title…

Also, I did not claim that my other suggestion was better than comments. I referred to a standard feature of presentation slides that could be used for comments, namely, floating frames.

@CyanCG No problem with the wrong answer. We are all humans.

The more someone works, the higher is the chance for a mistake! It is said that there are people, who never make mistakes…

Retagged — @xeel: Please remove the user name in the title.

Thank you, I would appreciate that. As a final suggestion towards gaining more familiarity with the tools and features of Impress, I heartily suggest getting the latest user guide:

Hi @xeel,

Have you found a mechanism for changing the bg color of comments?

@CyanCG - Aside from using floating frames like comments, it sounds like you haven’t found a direct mechanism to change comment colors, either, right?

If none of us has found such a mechanism, @xeel – please feel free to file an enhancement bug and ask for the addition of a bg color picker. Don’t forget to mark your bug as an ‘enhancement’. The QA team will be happy to help you triage your feature request in the bugtracker.

Please post a link to any bugs you file in a comment below using the format “fdo#123456”.


There’s a request for enhancement:

Bug 61242 - Customise comments background color in Writer.

Feel free to add a comment.

See alsoCan I change the background color of comments in Writer?