Please help me decipher this error message

Hi, I need some help with the Zotero LibreOffice Integration extension (on Zorin OS 16.3 Lite). I have tried installing it several times, but every time an error message appears, which seems to have something to do with Java. I’m not a Linux or LibreOffice expert, so I don’t know what it actually means. Following some troubleshooting advice, I installed OpenJDK 21 SDK Extension, but when I open LibreOffice Writer (Options > LibreOffice > Advanced) there is still no JRE for me to select. It looks like I could spend months trying to figure out the problem, but I would greatly appreciate it if someone more knowledgeable could point me in the right direction. I have attached a screenshot to show you what appears on my screen.

Thank you so much in advance!

Erasmo Barresi

When I have seen similar errors it usually means Java in not enabled. Try enabling Java in LibreOffice.

Not sure what system you are using.
I suggest starting with Install the correct JRE - LibreOffice on windows 10 / 11.

Thank you for your reply.

That’s right, it seems that Java is not enabled. I’m using Zorin OS 16.3 Lite (based on Ubuntu) and some online sources suggested that the proper JRE to install was OpenJDK 21 SDK Extension. I have installed it (or at least the installation looked successful), but when I open LibreOffice Writer there is still no JRE for me to select. I don’t know what I’m missing…

I remember having issuses with Java, I thinik it was on Mac, a real pain to resolve.

On my Ubuntu 22.04 machine LibreOffice just reports:


I found How to install Java (JRE/JDK) so that LibreOffice could use it? and JDK Development Kit 21.0.2 downloads.

I am guessing you most likely need the x64 Debian Package.

If this is not working for you then maybe you could consider the Snap package or Flatpak version of LibreOffice. I perfer flatpak over Snap for this. Because I do development in LibreOffice I have all three flavours installed in Ubuntu.

Thank you again for your kind reply.
I think I have installed the x64 Debian Package. Unfortunately, I’m so ignorant that I don’t know how to activate it on LibreOffice. I have recorded my screen to show my attempt ( I didn’t find a specific file I could select, but I guess I’m looking in the wrong place. (There’s a glitch in the video at 0:20, but the “bin” folder also contains files that I can’t select.)
I don’t know if this forum is the proper place to ask for this kind of information, but I hope my question will be useful in some way, perhaps by showing the kind of difficulties encountered by an inexperienced user.

It’s not a file. It’s a directory.

Thanks, I’m sure you’re pointing me in the right direction. However, that interface does not allow me to select the entire directory. Again, I have recorded my screen to show my attempt:

The dialog caption reads “Select Path” and when you select a directory, the OK button is enabled while files are greyed out…

I’m sorry, I’m obviously missing something that must be straightforward to more skilled users.
I have tried to select the whole directory; but, just after I press the OK button, a new dialog opens asking me to select from the contents of that directory.

OK, try Tools>Options… LibreOffice>General “Use LibreOffice Dialogs”=ON which may give you a functional folder picker dialog.

Using LibreOffice dialogs didn’t make much of a difference, but…

I solved the problem by following these instructions, specifically by running these commands in the terminal:

sudo apt install default-jre
sudo apt install libreoffice-java-common

Thanks to @vib and @Villeroy for the assistance!