Please help! Once before in Libreoffice a writing document of mine seemingly went missing and now the same thing has happend to another writing document of mine. Is there anyway to recover this document?

It’s just as it says. My mistake was leaving the document untitled because I didn’t know what to save it as,but I’m really wanting to know if there is anyway to recover this missing document,I’m still using libreoffice 6 and once before a document seemed to disappear,however I was able to recover it,and I’m wondering if I can do the same thing with document because its not showing up anywhere!

My crystal ball says you’re running LibreOffice under Marvel OS version 3.14 Which saves documents in “MyTreasures:” directory by default.

If you really hope to solve this problem, help us first.

Edit your question (answers are reserved for solutions) using the edit link under it.

Correct your system name if it is not MarvelOS.

Have you saved your document, even with its “Untitled” name before leaving LO? If you didn’t, have you ignored the warning about an unsaved document? (if yes, your doc is lost without hope)

In case you saved it but are unable to remember where, have you tried the search functions of your file manager (the one in MarvelOS is simply tremendous)?

As a last resort, have you created a new blank document and File>Save or File>Save As to see what the default save location is?

Hi,I’m sorry I don’t know what you mean by Marvel Os? Sorry,I’m using it on computer and the LibreOffice 6.1
How do I find the My treasures directory?
I have never ignored the save the changes warning when exiting it was how I saved everytime I wrote when I went in.I have tried seeing what the default location and it seems to be in the documents folder but there’s no sign of it anywhere there.
Sorry,if I don’t understand some of your questions.
I don’t really know any other save options in MarvelIOS (I’m hoping you mean LibreOffice itself?)
This maybe sounds…dumb. But every single time I crash my computer it recovers seemingly missing documents,so I’m wanting to crash my computer on purpose at this point.

What is your operating system and version? MacOS? Windows? Some flavour of Linux - which?

I have a windows 10 lenovo.

Check the recovery folder which can be found at Tools → Options → LibreOffice → Path. Usually, it should have prompted you when you open the application.

Hi,I might have an older version by now,its the 6.1 version if that matters? but I’ve looked for the recovery folder and I don’t know how to find it?
When I go to Libreoffice in my folders and click it,it just opens the program itself instead of the folders for that path? Sorry if I sound confused,I really don’t mean to be,just unsure of how to go about the recovery folder,I guess.
If you don’t mind,I understand if this is tedious but maybe you coul

a step by step way to get to the recovery folder,if not I understand.

Open LibreOffice, go to Tools → Options → LibreOffice → Path and see the list of path - look for Temporary Files and Backup rather than Recovery You can then inspect those folders using your OS file manager.

Further, the file manager that you use will depend on which Operating System you use, but you didn’t tell us which one it is. Please also see the first comment by @ajlittoz.

Thanks,but I’m not seeing anything from there that pulls up anything useful. I go from LibreOffice,to tools to options to LibreOffice to Path
It says Paths used by LibreOffice and under this box are
Type Path

Eventually it says also Temporary Files but I clicked both and it brought up a selection of folders and I am to select one. None of these folders make sense to me in any discernible way; and when I click one it doesn’t do anything. It mostly just says to click a folder and I click one and click ok and nothing else.

Those tell you where the folders are located; you need to use whatever file manager your OS - unstated - provides to look in the temporary and backup folders and see if your documents are there.

File manager? Also whats Os? Sorry!

File manager → File Explorer, I think is the name in Windows 10, or it might be called File Manage or Windows Explorer. OS = Operating System.

Sorry,I feel like some of this may be going over my head a bit as I have the least bit tech knowledge and how to navigate but I’m going to try research a bit more on this,thanks.