Plot with Linked Data Ereases Data Points when Unable to Find Linked Data

In LibreOffice, the behavior of charts that rely on external linked data (from another xls/xlsx file) differs from Microsoft Office and MacOS Numbers. If the linked dataset cannot be found, LibreOffice clears the data points from the chart by default whereas Microsoft office and Numbers will still show the last plotted data on the chart.

Is there anyway to get LibreOffice to behave the way that Microsoft Office or Numbers behave?

OS: Ubuntu:22.04
LO: LibreOffice_24.8.2

This post is close to the same thing I was asking for, but it doesn’t look like there was any solution 4 years ago. At least not posted to the one who asked the question.

May I suggest a feature request at bugzilla, according to
“Feature requests should go directly to Bugzilla as Enhancements”