Populate a output sheet txt&img

Hello Everyone,
I am looking for help with calc from LibreOffice. The situation my girlfriend decided it would be nice to build a list of all the DVDs we have.
I thought by using calc, I could use a simple list.
Well, it did not work out that easy.
Once I had a few titles wrote down. My document separated into two sheets.
Sheet 01: data
Cells: Title, Featured Crew, Top Billed, Release Date, Runtime, Genres, Website, Coverart

Sheet Two: Output
And here is where part one of the issues is, I believe before i had worked with a forumla which once a cell was predefined, it would help populate all the other cells needed. Now the cell which will predefine all the others will be a drop down list sourced from the data sheet.
I know i can make the text part work with Vlookup , but i can not figure out for the life of me how to populate the image.

Currently coverarts art inserted on a cell along the same list of the data.
Any suggestions would be welcomed

Hello @dhumes06,

Calc cell values can be either a text string, or a number ( such as a Date ), but not an image.

You can attach an image to a cell, but that image does not become the cell’s value.
( So you cannot reach it by VLOOKUP ).

Instead of attaching the image itself for each cell, you could enter the full File Path where that image is located on your disk, into the cell.
The File Path is a text string and can be returned by VLOOKUP.

To actually display the image belonging to a specified File Path, you could use a macro such as the following:

Function setImageURL( strImageURL As String, strImageObjectName As String )
REM This changes the graphic of a named image <strImageObjectName> to the specified <strImageURL>.
REM For example if you inserted an Image called "Image 1" into your sheet, then you can set its graphic by calling:
REM     setImageURL( "/home/user/Pictures/my_picture.jpg", "Image 1" )
REM Or as a Calc formula ( if A1 contains the file path ):  =SETIMAGEURL( A1; "Image 1" )
    Dim oDrawPage as Object, oObj As Object,i As Integer
    On Local Error Resume Next
    oDrawPage = ThisComponent.getDrawPages().getByIndex(0)  'ThisComponent.DrawPage     REM for Base, Writer'
    For i = 0 To oDrawPage.getCount() - 1
        oObj = oDrawPage.getByIndex( i )
        If oObj.getName() = strImageObjectName Then     REM Found.
            If oObj.getShapeType() = "com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicObjectShape" Then
                oObj.GraphicURL = ConvertToURL( strImageURL )
                Exit For
            End If
        End If
    Next i
End Function

Hope this helps,

Thanks for the help, I am no good with getting macro to work.
I tried a few times, then i gave up and flipped over to my windows machine and used. Excel.
I know have it working the way i like in there and am trying to figure out the setup in libreoffice now aswell.