Hello Everyone,
I am looking for help with calc from LibreOffice. The situation my girlfriend decided it would be nice to build a list of all the DVDs we have.
I thought by using calc, I could use a simple list.
Well, it did not work out that easy.
Once I had a few titles wrote down. My document separated into two sheets.
Sheet 01: data
Cells: Title, Featured Crew, Top Billed, Release Date, Runtime, Genres, Website, Coverart
Sheet Two: Output
And here is where part one of the issues is, I believe before i had worked with a forumla which once a cell was predefined, it would help populate all the other cells needed. Now the cell which will predefine all the others will be a drop down list sourced from the data sheet.
I know i can make the text part work with Vlookup , but i can not figure out for the life of me how to populate the image.
Currently coverarts art inserted on a cell along the same list of the data.
Any suggestions would be welcomed