Populating an image control without a table

Using Base as a front-end to a database in SQLite, I have a very simple table which stores references to images in two fields: field 1 is the image number (used in various tables) and field 2 is a text string which is the name of the corresponding image file (e.g. ‘DbImages/123.jpg’). This is very simple, and when this table is linked to another form (as a subForm), the relevant image is displayed in an image control bound to the second field. However, given the simplicity of the relationship, do I actually need this additional table (which is quite tedious to populate)? Is it possible, by attaching a macro to the ‘After Record Change’ event on the calling form, to construct a call which will display in a now unbound image control a file, the name of which is supplied not by a linked table but by constructing a filename from the value in the relevant field?

Sorry, that may seem a rather complex question: what I envisage is something like this -

oField = oMainForm."imageNo"
wanted = oField.text
ImgName = "DbImages/" & wanted & ".jpg"
ImgDisplay = get(ImgName)  'Or something of the kind

I am hoping this is possible, but have not found any leads. Any offers?

You have a very powerful “formula language” at hand. It is called “Structured Query Language (SQL)”.
Form properties:
Source type: SQL

SELECT "T".*,  'DbImages/'|| "PicNumber" ||'.jpg' AS "PicPath"
FROM "Table_Name" AS "T"

Replace the table and column names with the actual ones.
Or store the SQL as a query and use that as form source.

Thank you for that, which I have worked my way through successfully. For those who may not have figured out the niceties, I proceeded as follows.

(1) Create a subform, the data source of which is an SQL command:

SELECT DISTINCT "Frame no." AS "FrNo", 'OCK-Frames/'||"Frame no." ||'.jpg' AS "PicPath" FROM "T-Stamp_types" ORDER BY "Frame no." ASC

This is linked to the main form through the fields “Frame No.” [Main form] = “FrNo” [subform].

(2) Create an image control dependent on the subform, for which the data source (field) is “PicPath”.

And, Hey Presto! No special table has to be supplied.