PortableApps.com on mobile phone? (Expertise level: BASIC)

I have been reading about Libre Office on PortableApps. Maybe I’m stupid, but I can not find out the answer to the simple question: Can I use Libre Office on a mobile phone?

Portable Apps runs on Windows. Unlesd your phone has this OS you can’t use Portable Apps.
You may check for Collabora and there are ports of Open/LibreOffice for Android. But as the systems is quit different you have to test if any suits your needs.
(And there are few mobiles with Linux…)

……and you will need small dexterous hands and good eyes to “WORK” with it.

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Thanks Wanderer. I actually used to have a Windows phone, years ago, until Microsoft ditched it. I have tried using several Android apps for rreading and/or editing Libre Office files, with mixed results.

I agree karolus, i would use a laptop in preference to a phone 99 times out of 100!