Possible to slant upright font (for oblique), and use that instead of italic, in LibreOffice Writer?

I am currently using LibreOffice

For some fonts, even though they have italic type, I would like to simply slant the upright characters, and thereby obtain so-called “oblique” font; Wikipedia gives this example at Oblique type - Wikipedia :


An example text written three times in a typeface by Jean Jannon, each time with a different style. From top to bottom: Roman, italic and an oblique created by sloping the roman type.

And the definition:

Oblique type is a form of type that slants slightly to the right, used for the same purposes as italic type. Unlike italic type, however, it does not use different glyph shapes; it uses the same glyphs as roman type, except slanted.

So, is it somehow possible to “slant” upright type in LibreOffice writer, and use that as either replacement for italic, or as a standalone style?

It should be possible but it is an OS hack.

Open your OS font management utility. Remove the file for the font variant corresponding to italic or whatever it is named.

After that, when you request “italic” in Writer, the font renderer will notice there is no usable font file and will synthesise a substitute.

Do this at your own risk. I bear no responsibility if you damage your OS and make it unusable. So experiment first on a copy or spare computer.

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