Possible to use a single window for several docs in Writer?

When I open (or switch) docs, they open in new windows. I usually prefer to use just one window. Is this possible in Writer? It seems there are no file tabs, but can I view one file at a time and replace it with another as needed in the same window?

OS is Windows 10. LO version (X86_64). Save format docx.

LO Version

To the best of my knowledge, you can’t.

An approximative workaround is to use the Window menu to navigate between your documents. It works also with maximised windows without the need to shrink them to grab the target one.

PS: when asking here, always mention OS name and LO version (because there are subtle differences between platforms) and, when relevant, save format (because most recipes are only valid in native format .odt, .ods, .odp, etc.).

You save your documents as .docx. Unless you have a stringent external requirement, don’t. This is not Writer native format. Therefore, it needs conversion when you open the document and yet another one when saving. Since ODF and DOCX are not based on the same primitives, there no one-to-one correspondence between how features are encoded. This results in approximative translations. Even a roundtrip does not return the same original document. This results in cumulative degradation of your document formatting. Beyond some number of edit cycles, your document would no longer accept deep editing without problems.


That is also my impression.

I believe I have heard that the MDI approach was abandoned because …

  • Factors such as icon grouping and increased screen real estate/resolution on modern systems and OS user interfaces made the advantages of MDI less prominent.
  • The differences between platforms made it more difficult to provide a consistent user interface for a multiplatform product. Human Interface guidelines (and perhaps the reduced effort required for adapting to each particular platform) took priority over interface compactness and structuring of workflow.

The feature request for it is 37134 – Tabbed UI: Document-per-tab (similar to Firefox, Opera, gedit) MDI

I will keep that in mind. Haven’t noticed any problems with saving as .docx so far, but my documents are very simple.
The thing is, around here people expect documents in .docx format and are not familiar with .odt format. So it has been the most convenient for exchanging documents.

The comment thread in that request makes for interesting reading for insight to the developers’ perspective. Thanks @Regina!

Among other challenges aired there (waste of screen real estate, resources spent on interprocess signaling) it also confirms my previous comment (guess/faded memory) about platform specific code being required.

The request has been in the works, and apparently taken seriously, now pushing 14 years. Thus, it is not likely to happen any time soon. Do not hold your breath in anticipation! :wink: