.pptx file with links to other slides in Impress

Does Impress support links between slides when importing PowerPoint presentations? We’re trying to view this presentation (.pptx). On slide 5, what you see next should depend on which word you click on.

This works in Google Slides (press the ‘Present’ button on the above link, then see that clicking ‘Scales’ and ‘Fur’ each go to different places), and presumably also in PowerPoint (though I don’t have it to check), but in LibreOffice the interaction seems to’ve been lost, and clicking anywhere on slide 5 just goes to slide 6.

Is there anything I can do to make the links work? I’ve tried both downloading the .pptx file directly as using Google Slides’ feature to download it as an ODP document, but both behave the same way.

I’m running LibreOffice on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Thank you