Pretty Print for LO Calc formulas

I tried create this Basic routine, but can not do that “,” can be replaced with “,” + a “new line character”

Function AddIndentation(formula As String) As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim char As String
    Dim result As String
    Dim indentLevel As Integer
    indentLevel = 0
    result = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(formula)
        char = Mid(formula, i, 1)
        Select Case char
            Case "("
                indentLevel = indentLevel + 1
                result = result & char & Chr(10) & String(indentLevel * 4, " ")
            Case ")"
                indentLevel = indentLevel - 1
                result = result & Chr(10) & String(indentLevel * 4, " ") & char
            Case "+", "-", "*", "/"
                result = result & Chr(10) & String(indentLevel * 4, " ") & char & Chr(10) & String(indentLevel * 4, " ")
            Case ","
                result = result & Chr(10) & String(indentLevel * 4, " ") & char & Chr(10) & String(indentLevel * 4, " ")
            Case Else
                result = result & char
        End Select
    Next i
    AddIndentation = result
End Function

Function ConvertToOneLine(formula As String) As String
    Dim cleanFormula As String
    ' Remove all line breaks, tabs, and extra spaces
    cleanFormula = Replace(formula, Chr(10), "")
    cleanFormula = Replace(cleanFormula, Chr(13), "")
    cleanFormula = Replace(cleanFormula, " ", "")
    ConvertToOneLine = cleanFormula
End Function

Sub PrettyPrintSelectedCells()
    Dim oSheet As Object
    Dim oCells As Object
    Dim oCell As Object
    Dim oRange As Object
    Dim sFormula As String
    Dim oneLineFormula As String
    Dim formattedFormula As String
    Dim rStart As Long, cStart As Long, rEnd As Long, cEnd As Long
    Dim r As Long, c As Long
    ' Obtener la hoja activa
    oSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
    ' Obtener las celdas seleccionadas
    oCells = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection
    oRange = oCells.getRangeAddress()
    ' Obtener las coordenadas del rango seleccionado
    rStart = oRange.StartRow
    cStart = oRange.StartColumn
    rEnd = oRange.EndRow
    cEnd = oRange.EndColumn

    ' Iterar a través del rango seleccionado
    For r = rStart To rEnd
        For c = cStart To cEnd
            oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(c, r)
            ' Verificar si la celda es única
            If oCell.supportsService("") Then
                ' Obtener la fórmula de la celda
                sFormula = oCell.Formula
                ' Convertir la fórmula a una sola línea
                oneLineFormula = ConvertToOneLine(sFormula)
                ' Aplicar formato bonito
                formattedFormula = AddIndentation(oneLineFormula)
                ' Actualizar la celda con la fórmula formateada
                oCell.Formula = formattedFormula
                ' Activar ajuste de texto en la celda
                oCell.IsTextWrapped = True
            End If
        Next c
    Next r
End Sub

how to solve it? Is there a method to give a nice print format to the LO calc formulas?

This line in your function AddIndentation :

Case ","

Try replacing the comma (",") with a semicolon (";").

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copy the formatted formula to a text area (similar to FORMULA())
or Writer.

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