Print Preview only show page 1 (Calc)

Basically whatever cells/pages I select, and define that as my print range, Calc previews only the first page of the selected-and-print-range-defined area.

I have tried clearing print ranges, selecting wanted cells and defining a print range. I have tried page break view and all of them show only page one of my selection.

Any help appreciated.


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Not mentioned the version and the OS. Pls try Menu/Help/Restart on safe mode.

Thanks for the replies. Sorry I delayed, I was waiting for a notification email. Why are comments used instead of replies, please? Having had no notifications of replies, and seeing that there were no replies, it was pure luck that I came to see what was happening.

I think I have worked it out. I was only seeing one page and had not sen the “page 1 of X” at the bottom left of the screen or the almost greyed arrows at the top left of the screen. I assumed that if I zoomed out the preview, I would see the other pages laid out. That is what I am used to from other programmes.


Please use answers to answer not for comment, you can always edit your question, to add what ever you need.