Printing multiple slides per page is disabled in Impress

Printing handouts with multiple slides per page has been disabled in Impress since the past couple of years.

When one goes in impress to File > Print > Print document > Slides, and then tries to select “Slides per page”, the selection boxes “Slides per page” and “Order” are disabled. These options are important when one wants to generate handouts, for instance with three slides on left on a portrait A4 page, and empty space with lines on right for notes.

Is there any workaround for this behavior? Has this bug been reported? Will it ever get fixed?

Käännöksen ID: 1:6.1.4-0ubuntu0.16.04.1~lo2
CPU-säikeet: 4; Käyttöjärjestelmä: Linux 4.15; Piirtokomponentti: oletus; VCL: gtk2; 
Maa-asetus: fi-FI (fi_FI.UTF-8); Calc: group threaded

See my edited answer.

One can create the handouts using:

2nd Tab “LibreOffice Impress”, Document,
Type:Handouts, Slides per page:3

And then on 1st tab from printer selection select “Print to file…”

Select the “Page layout” tab, where you can set how many slides to print on a page.


I assume you’ve written your notes. Choose notes.

Select File>Print from the menu. There, the tab “General”. Select “notes” below.

Go to the page layout tab. Select “Custom” and choose 3 pages. Klick OK.

Sorry for my German-UI.

With me Windows 10, Version 1809, 64-Bit | LibreOffice, Version: (x64).

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I should have specified more clearly what I intend to do. I want to print handouts. In the bottom of my screenshot there is the selection box, where one can choose between Slides, summary, notes and parse.

When I want to print handouts, the selection box “Slides per page” is grayed out. I would like to print handouts where I have 3 slides per page on left placed on portrait A4, with lines and space for notes on right.

But this is not possible, as the selection boxes for slides are grayed out.

I will edit my original question and add the above.

That’s because you use View->Master Handout to define handouts-per-page layout; and so print dialog’s Slides per page setting would conflict with the setup. This is not a bug; it needs no report, and it should not be fixed :wink:

In the Master Handout view I can’t define handouts per page layout – or don’t understand how is it supposed to work. For me it looks like this: