Problem Combining RIGHT and LEFT Functions Into One Formula

I have a cell containing a formula that results in a decimal number (A1 below). I use the RIGHT function in B1 to strip the “0”, and the LEFT function in C1 to leave the first 6 digits after the decimal. I want to combine the two functions from B1 and C1 into a single formula, but am missing something in doing so.

[EDIT]: Formatting B1 to show only 6 digits is not really what I want.

  • A1 [0.2311545345949]
  • B1[=IF(LEN(A1)<28,RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1) -1),RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1) - 2))]
    *C1 [=IF(LEN(B1)<11,B1,LEFT(B1,LEN(B1) - (LEN(B1)-7)))]

[EDIT]: Desired Result = .231154

What I think the new formula should look like:
=AND(IF(LEN(A1)<28,RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1) -1),RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1) - 2)),IF(LEN(B1)<11,B1,LEFT(B1,LEN(B1) - (LEN(B1)-7))))

Calc adds 4 more right parentheses at the end and gives a ERR:501 error. I’ve lost myself several times in trying to determine the invalid character, or whatever the real issue is.

Thanks in advance.




That leaves me with like a 2.3115, whereas I want the .231154.

Well, yes. Try =LEFT(A1*1000000;6) if you get the idea.
Or =ROUNDDOWN(A1*1000000) if you need the number.

Or =MID(A1;2;7), if the leading dot is important.

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How can I keep the decimal point, so that it’s part of the result? My RIGHT() function strips only the “0”. My LEFT() leaves me with the .nnnnnn.


Thanks Mike! The decimal point is important! I don’t think I knew about MID(), or had overlooked it, but it is much simpler than my own, more convoluted solution!

I didn’t find the line where you assured that the content of A1 starts with “0.” not only in the single given example.
If you can assure this, you may consider to use the formula
=TEXT(VALUE(A1);".000000") where I see it as advantages that

  • in case of a violation of the assured inequality (VALUE(A1)<1) the result will show the error.
  • the formula tells very clearly what was intended.
  • the result will apply the common rounding.

Thanks. This is also a great solution.

Note it works only if the current locale’s decimal separator is a . period dot.
For a locale independent version:
