I have a cell containing a formula that results in a decimal number (A1 below). I use the RIGHT function in B1 to strip the “0”, and the LEFT function in C1 to leave the first 6 digits after the decimal. I want to combine the two functions from B1 and C1 into a single formula, but am missing something in doing so.
[EDIT]: Formatting B1 to show only 6 digits is not really what I want.
- A1 [0.2311545345949]
- B1[=IF(LEN(A1)<28,RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1) -1),RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1) - 2))]
*C1 [=IF(LEN(B1)<11,B1,LEFT(B1,LEN(B1) - (LEN(B1)-7)))]
[EDIT]: Desired Result = .231154
What I think the new formula should look like:
=AND(IF(LEN(A1)<28,RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1) -1),RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1) - 2)),IF(LEN(B1)<11,B1,LEFT(B1,LEN(B1) - (LEN(B1)-7))))
Calc adds 4 more right parentheses at the end and gives a ERR:501 error. I’ve lost myself several times in trying to determine the invalid character, or whatever the real issue is.
Thanks in advance.