I’m writing a macro which copies data from a series of named ranges in one sheet into corresponding ranges in another sheet. It is working well, except for this weird behaviour - some of the cells contain text with line breaks, and when they are copied into the new sheet the text is displayed all on one line. So for instance:
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 1Address line 2
I have checked by copying the contents of the cell into a hex editor, and the hex 0A characters for the line breaks are being copied across into the target cell. When I select the target cell and click in the edit box, the text in the cell is displayed as multiple lines, but when I click out of the edit box it reverts to one line.
Here’s the piece of code I’m using to copy the text across:
Newdoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(qtemplate, “_blank”, 0, Dummy)
Master = ThisComponent
range = Master.Sheets(0).getCellRangebyName(“company”)
arr = range.getDataArray()
range = Newdoc.Sheets(0).getCellRangebyName(“company”)
Can anyone suggest a solution?
Edit: If I save the sheet with the cells containing the problematic text, then re-open it, and copy the text from that cell into the hex editor, the hex 0A characters are gone. I seem to be dealing with Schrodinger’s line breaks here, they are both there and not there.