Problem with Editing Python Macros in LO


Why are all the commands in the table greyed out…why can I not use the “Create” button from here to write my first python macro?

It would be very nice if you would adapt your headings to the topic, “Noobie…” is very boring and pointless in the long run. Thank you very much.

You are correct, of course. Thank you for pointing that out. I will up my game for my next posting.

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Use your favourite code editor and save to user_profile/Scripts/python/

Thank you for that…but, as a noobie, I need some more detail please. Suppose I use Geany as my code editor…which file do I save to User_Profile/Scrips/Python? BTW I am on Ubuntu 23.04.

If I want to use Pycharm as my code editor, which file do I need to save to User/Scripts/Python?

Thank you in advance.

Does this make sense?

If geany is proper installed on your (Linux?-)distribution, the path to the executable should be: /usr/bin/geany
if not you need to install it, do with the tools of you OS, and NOT by downloading from some website!

#Debian-based (debian, ubuntu, mint …):
sudo apt-get install geany
#rpm-based (RedHat, CentOS, SUSe, …)
yum install geany -y
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Thank you _ SOLVED!