Problem with field for chapter in header and TOC

Hi there,
my problem is the following:
I want the header to contain the chapter names. This works almost fine, I create a field in the header and choose other → chapter. Also, on the first page of the table of contents (TOC) no chapter is displayed as there is no chapter so far - great. However, on the second page of the TOC, chapter number 3 appears in the header together with its page number.
In the table of contents, the chapters and parts and sections and so on have their own styles named TOC1, TOC2, TOC3 and TOC4, in the text these are named chapter, part, Index A and Index B (Custom made).
The only explanation I had was that the chapters in the TOC had the style of the chaper in the text and therefore the programm “thought” that Chapter 3 should appear in the header of page 2 of the TOC, which is were Chapter 3 is listed. But it is formatted in another style.
Why on earth would Chapter 3 appear in the header of page 2 of the TOC?
Help is much appreciated!

Check the page styles of the ToC pages. If your ToC is on the first page of the document it is possible that you have set this page to use the First Page page style. If you require the ToC pages to have a different layout (i.e., suppressed header information) then you will require a separate page style for these pages, especially if there are to be multiple pages with the same layout. You will then need to insert a manual break at the end of the ToC that specifies the following page style to use.

EDIT: I am not clear about what TOC1, TOC2, TOC3, and TOC4, represent. Are these page styles?