Problem with no automatic data range update for charts

When I set up a chart and define a data range larger than the actual set of numbers, the range reverts to the size of the range actually containing numbers. When I add new data, I then have to redefine the data range so that the new data is reflected in the chart. With Excel I could simply define a data range any size I wanted, and data added later within this range was automatically shown in the chart. Is it possible to implement this in LibreOffice? I find this an irritating and time wasting limitation.

There exists an enhancement request

If you do not want to open the data range dialog, you can workaround it this way: Mark the whole data range in the spreadsheet. Then drag the marked area and drop it onto the chart. The chart takes the new range while preserving all formatting.

Wonderful, it works well if the data is in adjacent columns, but there is still a problem if the columns are not adjacent. In any case, many thanks, it is at least a temporary solution.

There is a different workaround.

  1. First, go to Menu->Tools->Options->Libre Office Calc->General, then check the “Enlarge ranges references when
    adding rows/columns” checkbutton.
  2. Add a row and a column to your range and fill them whit non-numerical chars, like “-” (minus) for instance. Let call this row/column in the following as “boundary”.
  3. Define this new expanded range as range for your chart, to the “boundaries” included.

When necessary, add a new row/column selecting the “boundary” row or column and making “add row/column”
The range in your chart will remain defined to the moved “boundaries” and will include the new added row/column.