I’m using LibreOffice Writer Version: (x64) on Windows 10.
I have installed the extension writer2epub latest version with no problems.
However when I try to use this extension I encountered a number of problems.
When I use it on a file I get the following message:
BASIC runtime error.
An exception occurred
Type: com.sun.star.container.NoSuchElementException
Message: .
A debug window is then opened and it shows me the offending line (144) as:
oPicStorage = ThisComponent.DocumentStorage.getByName(“Pictures”).getByName(sPicGraphicUrl)
in file writer2epub
The files to test this problem are at: http://thefrugalcomputerguy.com/vtOfcWriter.php
Group 13 : Footnotes and endnotes, any of the four files in this group causes the same problem.
Please advice.
Daniel Volinski