Programs Menu Shortcuts in Lubuntu 13.04 while installing LibreOffice 4.0.3


I just installed LibreOffice 4.0.3 on Lubuntu 13.04 from the file I downloaded from the LibreOffice website. The programs menu (“start menu”) now contains Calc, Writer, Base, Draw, Impress, Printer Administration and LibreOffice 4.0, but no Math. I can open it from LibreOffice 4.0. I think it should be in the programs menu, but I am not sure if it is a bug or not. Is it?


Ubuntu 13.04 is EOL. Please update. Thanks.

I don’t have a separate menu entry for Math here under Ubuntu (for either v3.5.7.2 or v4.0.2.2) so it could be that LO or Ubuntu simply install it that way. There does not appear to be an open bug about it for “math” on the LO bugzilla or one I could find on LaunchPad. You can always add a new entry to the menu:

libreoffice4.0 --math