I would like to create a progressively refined cataloging system in Libreoffice Base with 5 classification tiers that includes a sample dataset and a keyword field to speed up data entry. The sample dataset would include the most common entries for each tier and would be used by the keyword field to place the keyword in the correct tier and autopopulate the tiers above. For example, if I were to enter “Pearlware” into the keyword field, it would know that it belongs in Tier 4 and would autopopulate Tier 3 with “earthenware”, Tier 2 with “ceramic” and Tier 1 with “Kitchen”…is this possible and if so, how might I go about it?
Tier 1 Kitchen
Tier 2 ceramic
Tier 3 earthenware
Tier 4 Pearlware
Tier 5 blue, hand painted