I install LibreOffice_4.4.4.3_Linux_x86-64 with rpm package and test it using the command line:
/opt/libreoffice/program/oosplash --headless --convert-to pdf --outdir /sysvol /sysvol/1.doc
When I check it by ps -ef, I find sometings like
root 18579 18577 0 01:16 pts/1 00:00:00 [soffice.bin]
everytime during converting. This defunct will disappear when its parent (main) process exits. The converting process seems just no problem and output is right. However, when I test the same command line with LibreOffice_4.2.1.1 later, it works well and no defunct found.
How can I solve this problem ? Is it possible to avoid the [soffice.bin] defunct by a different command line? I work on x86_64 Linux, en_US.UTF-8. My question may be related to #53039 which has no answers by now. LO built from source produces defunct process...