Putting Header in Libre Office Writer

Hi how can I have the same header for every page in libre Office writer? I already ticked the “header on” and the “same content on the first page” checkbox of the format header. But it still no header is displayed on the remaining pages. The header is only displayed on the first page

Here is the document
Duplicate_of_my_document.docx (132.4 KB)

If you really expect any help, give more details. Edit your question, don’t add a comment. This site is not a forum but a question & answer one. It is much better to have all information in a single location rather than requiring to read a whole conversation.

First, however irrelevant it may seem, OS name, LO version and save format (.odt or .docx; note many features will only persist if document is saved native i.e. .odt).

The configuration dialog you show above only enables header. There won’t be any contents until you enter some text in a page header (click in the area and type).

The configuration above is valid only for Default Page Style page style. It will have effect only on pages controlled by this type. Any page controlled by some other page type will need the same configuration adjustment.

Also, if you saved .docx or edit some M$ Word created document, you’ll have a hard time because Word has no notion of page style. On load, a conversion occurs between Word format and Writer format where “pages” in Word are translated into single-page single-use page styles, thus creating an unmanageable mess.

For a quicker diagnostic, edit your question and attach a sample file.

My document is originally .docx and I downloaded it and edited it in Libre office writer. Does that mean I have to paste my header to every other page and edit the left margin of every header of every page?

You’re in the worst scenario. I can’t tell for sure without a look at the original file. I bet you’re direct formatting practically everything because Word has only a weak notion of paragraph styles. Everything else must be done with direct formatting. This direct formatting causes the apparition of zillions of single-use character, page and optionally frame styles. Since every style is independent of any other, you face the need to update your elements one by one.

Attach the document if is not confidential and not too big.

Hi I cant post the exact document but I duplicated it and edited its content
Duplicate_of_my_document.docx (132.4 KB)

Since your sample is single page, I can diagnose nothing. As it is, it looks quite clean. But, don’t use drawing objects for horizontal lines. Drawing objects and text live in different realms. You won’t be able to precisely position them relative to each other(so that a change in text keeps the relative position) without great pain. Use rather a top or bottom border of some paragraph.
Every thing except “Title” (Heading 1) is Default Paragraph Style. Formatting your document will be a nightmare.

Please, attach a more representative sample.

Okay here it is. This is how it looks…
Duplicate_of_my_document.docx (136.8 KB)

I’ll follow your advice with the drawing lines. Thank you

Since you manage your pages manually by inserting manual page breaks, this creates individual pages with Convertedx page styles (here x is 1 to 4). This page style extends from one manual break to the next, hence here one style per page.

Your document starts with Default Page Style up to the first manual page break. Therefore when you change Default Page Style configuration, it works only on the first page.

You can fix this by removing your manual page breaks and adding them in Text Flow tab of Heading 1 paragraph style. Just request a page break without any specific page styles. This will only cause a page break, keeping the current page style, i.e. Default Page Style.

Remove also the empty paragraphs between the page break and the Heading 1 paragraph. If you really need to space the heading from the top of the page, add some Spacing Before: in Indents & Spacing tab of Heading 1.

Also, for a hierarchy of headings, use Heading 1, Heading 2, … the figure after Heading is the relative level in the outline. Don’t use other paragraph styles like your List Paragraph unless you intend to create a mess. Also Heading 1 is supposed to be at level 1. For a sub-heading, use Heading 2, not Heading 1 with direct formatting overlay.

Don’t add numbering on your heading with the toolbar button. This button is ther to create lists. If you use it on Heading n, you create a conflict with built-in auto-numbering. Remove your manually added numbering and configure auto-numbering with Tools>Chapter Numbering. There you have a global view on heading numbering.

One last advice:
If your document should be longer than 2 pages, undergo many revisions and remain “active” for a long time, work only in native .odt format. Use exclusively styles; strictly prohibit direct formatting.
If .docx is a requirement for external recipients, convert only at time of sending the document and keep the .odt as the working original. Note that conversion is always imperfect. So in heterogeneous context, refrain from sophisticated formatting. Tables and lists are known to badly translate between ODF and DOCX.

PS: a minor point compared to the rest: never space or align words with spaces or tabs relying on default spacing.


Thank you so much this is really informative especially the last advice. I’ll follow each of them.

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