Here is an example, you can save this as /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/Scripts/python/
on Ubuntu, so it shows in Tools / Macros / Organize Macros / Python…, under “LibreOffice Macros” (tested on LibreOffice Version:, Ubuntu 14.04):
# NB:
# "OpenOffice (but not LibreOffice) can trigger a Basic routine by means of a hyperlink. The routine gets the full URL passed as argument."
# Works again with: Version:
from import PropertyValue
from import STRING
import string
import traceback
def printMessageBox( oDoc_cc, oSM, inobj ):
# oSM = uno.getComponentContext().getServiceManager() # name 'uno' is not defined
oToolkit = oSM.createInstance( "" )
oParentWin = oDoc_cc.getFrame().getContainerWindow()
oMsgBox = oToolkit.createMessageBox( oParentWin, "infobox", 1, "Mensaje", str(inobj) )
def correlateCells( ):
"""Iterate through a selection of cells; find the original (selected) string cell content elsewhere in doc (ignoring self); if found, paste as link next to the found cell (at [row,column+1]; then can observe with Tools/Detective/Trace Dependents..."""
# The context variable is of type XScriptContext and is available to
# all BeanShell scripts executed by the Script Framework
oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() # xModel
ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
smgr = ctx.getServiceManager()
#the writer controller impl supports the css.view.XSelectionSupplier interface
oDoc_cc = oDoc.getCurrentController() # xSelectionSupplier
#see section 7.5.1 of developers' guide
current_selection = oDoc_cc.getSelection() # xIndexAccess
current_selection_range = current_selection.queryContentCells(STRING).getRangeAddresses()[0] #getRangeAddress()
# note, if a column selected, then current_selection.getRangeAddress() is ({ Sheet = (short)0x0, StartColumn = (long)0x8, StartRow = (long)0x0, EndColumn = (long)0x8, EndRow = (long)0xfffff } - selects 0xfffff rows! And in that case, libreoffice freezes trying to iterate through them all! No need for that...
# note: queryVisibleCells still has EndRow = (long)0xfffff, use queryContentCells(STRING) for getting only the actual populated cells
#~ printMessageBox(oDoc_cc, smgr, current_selection_range)
#~ if ((current_selection_range.StartRow == 0) and (current_selection_range.EndRow == 0)):
#~ curcomp = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext( "",ctx).getCurrentComponent() #model1
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
curcomp = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
active_sheet = curcomp.CurrentController.ActiveSheet # or: document.Sheets.getByIndex(0)
# NB: links have content: =$Sheet1.$I$3 (source at I3)
search = active_sheet.createSearchDescriptor() # exception in calc
# [ [Solved] Need help understanding some Python macros (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum]
dispatchHelper = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext( '', ctx )
frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
#search.SearchRegularExpression = True
#for x in range(current_selection_range.StartRow, current_selection_range.StartRow-current_selection_range.EndRow)
while irow <= current_selection_range.EndRow:
while icol <= current_selection_range.EndColumn:
origCell = active_sheet.getCellByPosition(icol, irow)
if not origCell.String: # do not process if empty string:
search.SearchString = origCell.String
selsFound = active_sheet.findAll(search)
rep = ""
for sel_index in range(0, selsFound.getCount()):
fSel = selsFound.getByIndex(sel_index) # this is
#~ try:
fSel_address = fSel.getCellAddress() # only exists if it is a single cell, but it might be a range (getRangeAddress exists regardless); still, this should be a single cell only!
#~ except Exception as er:
#~ oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er) + "\n" + str(fSel.getRangeAddress())
#~ printMessageBox(oDoc_cc, smgr, oDisp)
fCell = active_sheet.getCellByPosition(fSel_address.Column, fSel_address.Row)
areObjectsEqual = (fCell == origCell)
areLocationsEqual = ((origCell.getCellAddress().Column == fSel_address.Column) and (origCell.getCellAddress().Column == fSel_address.Column))
trep = "Orig (%d,%d); fSel[%d] (%d,%d); obj ==? %s; .Row/.Column ==? %s; %s"%(origCell.getCellAddress().Column, origCell.getCellAddress().Row, sel_index, fSel_address.Column, fSel_address.Row, areObjectsEqual, areLocationsEqual, fCell.AbsoluteName)
# due to differing pointer addresses, fCell == origCell is never true, even if it refers to the same cell
# just compare row&column instead
#~ rep += trep + str(fCell == origCell) + " " + str(fCell) + " " + fCell.String + "\n" # fSel.String also works
rep += trep + " " + fCell.String + "\n"
if areLocationsEqual:
continue # skip rest/do not process if we're at same location as origCell
# so here, locations are different; add a link to origCell at fSel_address.Column+1, fSel_address.Row
# note: .AbsoluteName is the address in format $Sheet1.$E$6
# "# FormulaLocal is a true property (not a pseudo-property) of a single cell"
linkedCell = active_sheet.getCellByPosition(fSel_address.Column+1, fSel_address.Row)
linkedCell.FormulaLocal = "=" + origCell.AbsoluteName
# "show dependents"
oProp = PropertyValue()
oProp.Name = 'ToPoint'
oProp.Value = origCell.AbsoluteName
properties = (oProp,)
dispatchHelper.executeDispatch( frame, '.uno:GoToCell', '', 0, properties )
dispatchHelper.executeDispatch( frame, '.uno:ShowDependents', '', 0, () )
#~ printMessageBox(oDoc_cc, smgr, rep) # + str(origCell) + " " + str(origCell.String))
icol += 1
irow += 1
#printMessageBox(oDoc_cc, smgr, active_sheet)
# lists the scripts, that shall be visible inside OOo. Can be omited, if
# all functions shall be visible, however here printMessageBox shall be surpressed
g_exportedScripts = correlateCells,
# BASIC recording:
# dispatcher = createUnoService("")
# dim args5(0) as new
# args5(0).Name = "ToPoint"
# args5(0).Value = "$I$3"
# dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, args5())
# dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:ShowDependents", "", 0, Array())