Query/SQL wrong data type

I am receiving “Wrong Data Type in Statement [ SELECT etc.” error message, underlying Error Code: -16 but the message doesn’t give any clues as what to be looking for. The error showed up when I included the SUM and GROUP functions. The query ran prior to that. Any direction?
The SQL is:

SELECT "PaymentHistory"."PHMemberID" AS "Badge",
       "MemberMaster"."LastName" || ' ' || "MemberMaster"."FirstName" AS "Name",
FROM { oj "MemberMaster"
  RIGHT OUTER JOIN "PaymentHistory" ON "MemberMaster"."MemberID" = "PaymentHistory"."PHMemberID" }
GROUP BY "PaymentHistory"."PHMemberID",
HAVING ("PaymentHistory"."PaymentDate" >= :Date_Since)
ORDER BY "MemberMaster"."LastName" ASC,
         "MemberMaster"."FirstName" ASC

Edited to format for readability.

@JoeCastor In future please enter code/SQL in a format which is easier to read. Once entered, highlight all of it and then select the preformatted test icon on the toolbar.

Sorry for other posts. Afternoon a little goofy.

This statement works:

SELECT "PaymentHistory"."PHMemberID" AS "Badge",
       "MemberMaster"."LastName" || ' ' || "MemberMaster"."FirstName" AS "Name",
FROM { oj "MemberMaster"
  RIGHT OUTER JOIN "PaymentHistory" ON "MemberMaster"."MemberID" = "PaymentHistory"."PHMemberID" }
Where ("PaymentHistory"."PaymentDate" >= :Date_Since)
GROUP BY "PaymentHistory"."PHMemberID",
ORDER BY "MemberMaster"."LastName" ASC,
         "MemberMaster"."FirstName" ASC

Eliminated most of the SUM statements (only because of no data to test with).

Biggest changes:

Having changed to Where - was causing syntax error.

Moved the Where to before Group By & that eliminated the problem.

Thanks for the review and correction. I had remodeled the PaymentHistory table yesterday so it’s now different. Sorry. I realized that I misunderstood what SUM was actually doing and that I need to look for a different solution. I wanted to have a total at the end of each column (not row) of data as a total row (like a Calc SUM [range]. Not sure this is possible. Back to the manuals.

Based upon your SQL and now your comment, it is not clear what totals you actually want. It is sounding like you want a LIST of all payments and then a total record at the end showing the total amount for each category. Is that it or something else? It could be done with two selects & a union.

Before going too far with my last comment, although Union will work in Base SQL, you need to use Run SQL directly which then negates the use of a parameter. Catch 22. Instead, maybe use Report Builder based on the Detail list which can then generate totals from there. Another possibility may be a form. I’ve generated totals there too.

That’s it. You are correct in my goal. I’m looking into doing it with Report. I’ll keep you posted.

With multiple crashes to contend with in Report, I was able to accomplish what I wanted (except for formatting that seems to crash each time I get it the way I want and just before I save it). Any way, this case is closed. Thanks for all you do for me.