Range 3 columns with the common cells in the 3 columns


I have 3 columns that I want to range it is my lessons and other persons lessons I want to know which lessons are the same and what is the other lessons that i don’t have but he has
so my columns looks like this

A ------------------------ --B----------------------C

Maths -----------------English ------------Sport

English ----------------Maths-------------English

Sport ------------------Sport -------------Maths

My question is how to make that my columns looks like this

A ---------------- B -----------------C

Maths-------- -Maths----------Maths



Please help !!!

It seems to me that you have to select each column one by one and sort it. Do not sort the entire table, but sort each column individually

Your example is flawed. How should it look if C has French instead of Sport, and B has Science instead of Math? If you want identical classes on a line, you will need as many lines as there are classes. Then maybe add all classes to each column, and apply character style Hidden to classes that a person doesn’t take, with Hidden formatting not checked. . Then sort each column separately. After sorting modify the Hidden style by turning Hidden on, then you will only see the classes taken.

  1. Insert two columns after column A
  2. In B2:C4 copy =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A2;D$2:D$4;1;0);"--")
  3. Select D2:E4, and add Conditional Format with the next formula ISERROR(SEARCH(".*"&TEXTJOIN(".*|.*";1;$A$1:$A$4)&".*";D2))

See sample file.

Step 3 with the help of @mariosv (/en/question/282269/). Tested with LibreOffice (x64); OS: Windows 10.0.

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