Re: Draw printer settings (original post Feb '16)

The original post stated, “LibreOffice 5.1 Draw. Have a drawing built on 11 x 17. Indexes on drawing show 11 x 17. Every time I go to print, I adjust the page to 11x17 Landscape, as soon as I close the printer settings, the pre-print shows 8.5 x 11. Open the preferences, it is set for letter. Document was an old one, opened into 5.1. Cannot get the printer size settings to stick, Yes, page preferences are set to 11 x 17.”

I too cannot get the Libre Office Draw printer settings to stick when I need to change them. I’m using a Zebra printer, and the Draw program always forces me back to Portrait at 0.75" x 0.25" setting. I needed Landscape at 4" x 6". I found a workaround, at least to print to pdf format. I ‘save as pdf’ for printing and even there I’m forced Portrait which looks like it won’t show everything on the finished file, but it did. Then I used Acorbat to print it from there like normal. I only used Draw to add an image to my label. I actually changed all the defaults in Windows printer settings which was nice as it changed the default settings for Acrobat but didn’t do a thing for Draw. It seems Draw has had printer setting issues for almost 10 years now! Ha ha ha. Writing this to help others. Thank you.

and more. indeed, no news :
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