If try open fil ODS i’m see message: “Read error. An unknown error occurred.” What can I do now? All file XML are correct.
Hi @BartoszBartczak, When you say that “All file XML are correct,” did you run your file through an XML validator? How was this file created?
I was send bug https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60274. Peoples tell me, that isn’t bug. File was createg and still used in LibreOffice libreoffice-calc 3.6.5-1. More time when I was used Libre on lettlie PC machine in windows and Linux I see information about "Read error. An unknown erro
occurred". When unzziped ods file I was check structure all XML files with program xmllinit. $ xmllinit file.xml and don’t see any errors in structure.
Hi @BartoszBartczak,
I don’t have much experience fixing broken ODS files, but perhaps you could do a little experimental “transplant” work?
Here’s my idea:
- Backup your original ODS file so that we have a clean copy we can always return to.
- Unzip the ODS file and look at the various XML files within.
- Make a new ODS file with LO Calc and save it out (with little to no data). Back-up this file, and unzip it just like the original ODS file.
- Try “transplanting” various XML files from your broken ODS file directory to your working ODS file directory, one or two at a time. Try re-compressing the document frequently, and see if you can get this new, hacked-together document to load in Calc.
- If this actually works…feel free to call yourself Dr. Frankenstein
There might be several roadblocks to this kind of approach – especially if the files within the ODS archive are interconnected in special ways – however I think that you might get lucky and be able to rescue your data!
Please let us know how this works for you!
@BartoszBartczak, Are you still interested in tracking down this problem? Please upload a copy of your file to this question or to your bug fdo#60274, and ping me back in a comment here (put ‘@qubit1’ in your reply).
If I can’t open the ODS file either, then perhaps there is some underlying bug.