Recipe index of ingredients and all recipes that use the ingredient

Dont know if writer is able to do what I require. Have read the documentation, watched youtube videos and exprimented with writer withou success.
want to create an index that lists recipe ingradients. Under each ingredient a list of recipes that use that ingredient e.g.
Chunky carrot and lentil soup
Chunky carrot and lentil soup

You can use a concordance file. See Edit Concordance File for help. Enter the recipe name as the first and second item on the line, the ingredient as third, Example:

Chunky carrot and lentil soup;Chunky carrot and lentil soup;carrot;;0;0
Chunky carrot and lentil soup;Chunky carrot and lentil soup;lentil;;0;0

Then use the concordance file to generate the index items.

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Many thanks. this solved the problem once I relised that a Concordance file is a.sdi extention and not a .txt