Of course, Calc is the appropriate tool to generate Charts.
However, the given image is bad to a degree making it impossible, imo, to “redraw” it reasonably and to take -at least minimal- responsibility for the result and its supposed predication.
- The numbers along the axis need guessing. The title of the left axis is unreadable.
- The legend is unreadable, but refers to 6 data-series(?) or lines(?) while the diagram only has (at most) 4 of them.
- The diamonds seem to represent a series, but the nearby line only may be a related linear trendline.
- The other two lines don’t give any clue in what way they are defined or meant.
The only way to responsibly create a chart for the intended purpose is to thoroughly study (research) the original data and their context, and to produce a better chart then referring directly to numeric data and to the context, without a mention of the bad JPGed graph itself.
@Hrbgr posted links to start with, but the questioner should need quite some time for studies if not coming with previous experience.