Red wavy lines under misspelt words disappeared

Hi. The red wavey lines under misspelt words have recently disappeared and I can’t find a way to make them come back. Any suggestions? I’m using version Version: on a Mac running Mac OS 11.7. Automatic spell-checking is turned on.

You didn’t mention OS name. Under Windows, update sometimes causes weird things to happen.
Have you checked in Tools>Options, Language Settings>Writing Aids if spell checking is enabled and tools (Hunspell and dictionaries) are active?

I’m using MacOS Big Sur. I didn’t see that option, is there an equivalent for mac? Thanks

Under MacOS, see Preferences>Options or perhaps Preferences only, then Language Settings>…

I checked. All those are enabled. I recall I got this same issue a while back after an update. But cannot remember how I resolved it, unfortunately.

Restart in safe mode. If it still doesn’t work, backup your user profile before resetting it.

I have just noticed that the red lines do display if the zoom factor is 160% or less. I was viewing at 171% and they were not showing. Though I wonder if this is this a bug or an intended feature?

No idea, it displays correctly on my Fedora Linux machine. Better ask the developers on Bugzilla.

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