I am facing an issue : whenever I copy a sheet inside a calc file, all references to another sheet of the same file are shifted.
Here is an example : http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/543863/Test.ods
(you may use the email address glanor@mailcatch.com to download the file and visit its inbox here : Disposable Temporary Email Addresses - AntiSpam Temporary Inbox at MailCatch.com - Inbox )
In sheet 2 is a cell with a value inside cell B1 (163).
In sheet 1, there are two cells referring to the cell B1 of sheet 2 : cells B3 and B4.
If I copy the sheet 1 and place the copy at the beginning (before sheet 1), its cell B3 will be referring to cell B1 of sheet 1, not of sheet 2, while the its cell B4 will correctly refer to the cell B1 of sheet 2.
It took me a while to understand that I must add the â$â sign in front of the sheet name in the formula to avoid the shift of sheet value while copying a sheet.
Is there a way to set using absolute sheet values as the default behaviour in Calc (but not using absolute references for cells) ?
And at the same time, I have another question related to it : several times it happened to me that inside the formulas of the sheet in which I am working, all references to other cells of the same sheet are changed from â=B1C1" to "=Sheet.B1Sheet.C1â without asking me for it. I think it happens after I save and open again the file.
This bothers me because once it is done, I cannot benefit any longer from the function where, when I double-click a cell, the names of referenced cells in the formula get coloured and the matching cells are highlighted in the corresponding colours.
Any idea what is causing this ?
I use LO 5 under Linux Mint, Ubuntu and Windows 7.