Refresh - reload SAME LEVEL forms, or suggest a better way?


There is no indication as to where you placed the code you pasted. You notes are meaningless without the files. I have presented to you two working samples with the code. Is your code in the same place? It needs to be in the document and not in My Macros & Dialogs. Chapter 9 of the Base manual does present some information on libraries & locations. Macros are much more involved than just Base. Having trouble with Base is a sure sign you will have much much problems with macros - even the simplest.

The only thing a reload does is to reload the data. The button will not stop it. Forms (actually its data) get reloaded. Sometimes there is refreshing in a control.

(Commenting under Answer) I do not understand why I see your replies out of order. Then, it seems that I reply in the wrong places.

I refer to Quick-n-dirty_NO_MACRO.

Fill all Left_Table matches, zero thru five. Close and re-open the form. Selecting records in the MainForm, the SubForm shows the expected results.
Now, select MainForm Left_ID 3. Delete L_match at Left_ID 3. Button [Refresh Join] works. Button [Refresh Sub Form] does not reflect the change.

The MARCO form works great!

I Copied the macro from here, pasted over “mine” in my form (after fixing the Left_Form name), and that works well.

Thank you again, @Ratslinger

Button [Refresh Sub Form] does not reflect the change.

Of course. The button refreshes the sub form. You are affecting the main form. Want that refreshed, place a button there. Samples here or anywhere are not meant to encompass all things. There are a multitude of things I would add/change/delete just from this example.

As for replies, have in my years here not seen notifications out-of-order.