Regarding Asian Phonetic Guide..

I was able to convert Chinese Traditional to Chinese Simplified and vise versa using Tools-Language-Chinese Convesion
but regarding Asian Phonetic Guide the Pinyin Zhuyin or even Japanese Hiragana WON’T Show up. In Microsoft Word the Phonetic for each language usually appear above or beside the word (chines, Japanese etic.). In Libre’s case it really won’t show up. Any suggestion?
Thank you for improving to LibreOffice to 6.4.4. Now the Tables and it’s content didn’t overlap with each other. The content in Tables also did appear.

Do not overuse bold face.

Given that you have “Tools-Language-Chinese Convesion”, you have Asian support enabled in language settings. But what do you mean “regarding Asian Phonetic Guide the Pinyin Zhuyin or even Japanese Hiragana WON’T Show up”? do you mean that something that should be in the file is not imported properly? or that it is lost in the process of Chinese conversion? or that you don’t see it as available command? or…?

Mike, it should work from an available command:

I tried the guide with LibreOffice 7.0.0 Alpha1 placing Pinyin over some Chinese text. Works for me (except that Pinyin is misplaced a bit).

@gabix: of course; I just don’t know what OP meant :slight_smile:

Oh, indeed. At first, I though I understood the posting, but now I see it is not clear.

Pidroo1968, try to edit your post to describe the problem in clear English. Or post in another language that you are comfortable with.