Good Morning
I would like to implement some regular expressions in Basic. Is there RegExp object the way there is in VBA or do I use the VBScript.RegExp object? Thank you as usual for all of your help.
Good Morning
I would like to implement some regular expressions in Basic. Is there RegExp object the way there is in VBA or do I use the VBScript.RegExp object? Thank you as usual for all of your help.
there is a regex-builtin-module in python
so the question remains: why do you buy wood screws and try to hammer them into concrete?
I accept that. Maybe i will translate my code from Basic to python. I will see how much my knowledge in python has increased.
In the LibreOffice help page ScriptForge.String service (SF_String) (or any other page), select either the Basic module and enter “regex” in the search box.
You will read that the String class of the ScriptForge library implements a.o. next methods:
NB: behind the scene the implementation uses the UNO service.
I suppose you need a search of string. It is not impossible in Basic, only masochistic - based on service
Sub regexpStringSearch
dim oSearch as object, oSearchParam as object, oFound as object, iStart&, iEnd&, sentence$, reg$, s$
sentence="not easy but possible" 'string to search
reg="[a-z0-9.-]+" 'regexp
with oSearchParam 'regular expression
end with
oFound=oSearch.searchForward(sentence, iEnd, len(sentence)) 'search string
do while oFound.subRegExpressions>0
iStart=oFound.startOffset(0) 'start position in string
iEnd=oFound.endOffset(0) 'end position in string
s=mid(sentence, iStart+1, iEnd-iStart) 'found string
msgbox s
oFound=oSearch.searchForward(sentence, iEnd, len(sentence)) 'search string
End Sub
Well that is interesting. I might implement it or I might go with Python.
(This is not an objection to the answer already given. However, I have never used this method myself. , and I don’t know if it can be used with )components/objects
other than Writer/Text
. Among them are the Writer model and the Calc related object types SheetCellRange
(including any complete sheet and any single cell), and SheetCellRanges
. Depending on the “creator” (text or sheet related) they act differenetly. There is a Boolean
property .SearchRegularExpression
(This isn’t the place for a tutorial.)
. This function works with strings regardless of the source. You can use it independent of any Calc model (e.g. from code running for a Writer model being the current ThisComponent
). An annoying complication is the fact that a relevant variant of the call requires the missing of a parameter as a positive information.ICU
RegEx (Regular Expressions | ICU Documentation) which also is the flavor used by LibreOffice.I would not recommend using the VBScript.RegExp object because this object is not Unicode friendly.
As @Lupp pointed out, LO’s implementation of regular expressions is based on ICU.
ICU’s Regular Expressions package provides applications with the ability to apply regular expression matching to Unicode string data.