Regular expressions within Calc's standard filters don't seem to work

Using Calc, regular expressions used in the ‘VALUE’ field of standard filters don’t seem work on my systems. (1st sys: English Ubuntu 14.04 + LibreOffice ; 2nd sys/different machine : English Ubuntu 12.04 + LibreOffice I have reg.expressions checkmarked both in “Tools>Options>LibreOffice Calc>Calculate” and also each time I re-start a standard filter “Data>Filter>Standard Filter> … more”. In the standard filter "VALUE’ field - for example - if I enter (unquoted) C* - I am expecting to see results that return all values starting with C. But the operation returns nothing. On either machine, nothing is returned. I have many enteries beginning with “C…” Case is uncheckmarked in the dialogue.

What am I doing wrong? !!!


the Filtersetting are independent from →Tools→Options→...Calc→Calculate

the proper RegEx for starts with C should be C.*

SOLVED. Thank you, karolus. Yes, user error. I need to review regular expression syntax more thoroughly. Thanks again.