Problem exists in 6.4 and the current
Windows 10 64bit
When using the relation design window, the total area appears to be limited to slightly less than my 1920x1080 screen resolution. This seems to be the case no matter what the resolution or whether I start a new database.
I am new to databases, but I haven’t even placed 25% of my tables yet and I have no more space to create relationships unless I remove the benefit of the visual interface by cramming them all together.
I have tried dragging tables to the edge, I have tried using the window resize tools, I have tried a blank database. I tried shrinking the screen resolution to see if the area shrunk too. I tried updating to the latest stable version of LibreOffice.
It doesn’t seem like a bug, but maybe it is? Or I am using LibreOffice Base for a task that is too complicated for it, since I can’t find this mentioned anywhere?