Remember Print to File Directory location by default

Here’s a simple usability improvement / how do I do this topic.
I am creating many pages of PDF printed output from a complex spreadsheet. Each page has different print areas and has to be individually set up prior to printing. I am printing these to PDF.

Every time I want to print a sheet again, e.g. after making a small correction, LO makes me navigate back from the default location (Documents) to my actual location in the file tree, which is quite a lot of clicks.
It would be great if LO would simply remember the last-used destination directory as it does when saving files.

Is it possible to change an option to achieve this or is a coding change needed to make it possible?

thanks for any comments.


I think that would be the pdf printer setting. Try a different pdf printer like BullZip

If you File > Export as PDF it defaults to the same location as the file. If you are using Windows you can create pinned locations so it is a single click but Documents is already a pinned location.

You can use LibreOffice Dialogue box (click Tools > Options LibreOffice > General and tick Use LibreOffice dialogue boxes) and in the Places pane you can add pinned folders but Documents is also pinned there (labelled My Documents in WinXP style)