Remote files on Onedrive

I use the following version of LibreOffice but I cannot open or save remote files in my Onedrive account.

Version: (x86) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: a69ca51ded25f3eefd52d7bf9a5fad8c90b87951
CPU threads: 4; OS: Windows 10.0 Build 19043; UI render: Skia/Raster; VCL: win
Locale: it-IT (it_IT); UI: it-IT
Calc: CL

LibreOffice keeps telling me that the “device is not valid”. Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong? Where could I find more info on this?

Is this working for you?


Do you have tried to get information here?

Search results for 'OneDrive #english' - Ask LibreOffice

or here

Search results for 'onedrive+WINDOWS' -

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The mDriveOOo extension uses the OAuth2OOo extension to work. Unfortunately, Microsoft does not allow the use of OAuth2OOo anymore so this option is not a useable solution.

I don’t use it but I note the extension is still actively developed so I assume it still works.

I am using LibreOffice version 24 and they still don’t have it working yet.